
Troop 405’s committee coordinates the troop’s finances, equipment, and activities. We meet once a quarter and invite all parents as much as they can.

While we are a smaller troop and do not have all of these positions currently in our committee, below is a complete list of roles in the committee:

  • Chairperson
  • Chartered Organization Representative
  • Troop Committee Chairman
  • Troop Secretary
  • Troop Treasurer
  • Troop Advancement Chair
  • Troop Equipment Coordinator
  • Troop Outdoor/Activities Chair
  • Troop Membership Chair
  • Troop Training Chair
  • Troop Public Relations Chair
  • Troop Friends of Scouting (FOS) Chair
  • Troop Scouting for Food Chair
  • Troop Fundraising Chair
  • Unit Fundraising Chair
  • Scout Parent Unit Coordinator